Online Giving
$ 0 /mo.
3.2% + $0.45
per transaction
ACH (0.5% + $0.35)per transaction
Great For Churches Raising
Under $5,000/Month
Keep your Money; Grow your Impact
Churches save $8,000 a year with Continue To Give!
While others see the church as a target to take advantage of, Continue To Give sees a partner to serve.
Comparison based on a 500 member Church raising $15,000/Month using Pushpay, CCB, and Quickbooks
Online Giving Rates
All plans come with the same features. The differences are processing rates.
We also offer a complete ChMS and Fund Accounting Modules that can be added at any time.
$ 0 /mo.
3.2% + $0.45
per transaction
ACH (0.5% + $0.35)per transaction
Great For Churches Raising
Under $5,000/Month
$ 29 /mo.
~2.5% + $0.25
per transaction
interchange plus rates
ACH (0.5% + $0.35)per transaction
Great For Churches Raising
Over $5,000/Month
More reasons to love Continue To Give
Just pick a day/time that works for you and one of our great reps will walk you through our affordable online giving and donor management platform
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